Sunday 20 July 2014

Abbotsford to Los Angeles to Pacific Ocean

Day 1 – July 19, 2014 - distance travelled:  2,000+ kms - 20oC high.  We’re on our way!  After the last minute discovery at home that the luggage allowance of Fiji Airways is now one piece of checked luggage per person rather than two, Don managed to fit the contents of our seventh piece of luggage into the other six bags to avoid having to pay any surcharges.  Check-in at Vancouver airport was smooth and the first leg of our journey – the flight from Vancouver to Los Angeles – uneventful.  Los Angeles was the same massive people moving factory as before with not a lot of signs to help you find your way. Luckily our luggage was being checked through to Sydney, so we didn’t have to worry about that.  After some walking around we asked and were told to go outside and take shuttle bus A to the international terminal which we did.  After numerous security and passport checks we were finally ready to board only to discover that the door behind which we thought our plane was hiding was in fact hiding another shuttle bus which shuttled us to our plane.   At about 11:30pm the second and longest leg of our journey started; the 11 hour flight from Los Angeles to Nadi, Fiji.
Playing some soccer at YVR

Our plane from Vancouver to Los Angeles arrives

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