Monday 28 July 2014

Dongara to Kalbarri National Park

Day 7 – July 26, 2014 – Dongara to Kalbarri National Park - distance travelled:  295 kms - 22oC high; 12oC low.  Up just after seven, when the sun wasn’t quite ready yet to rise.   Took us until after 10am to drive off, with Claire & Shannon taking some time to take a shower and such, Don organizing the luggage in our Troopy, and all kids spending some time on the big jumping pillow in the campground.  Reached Kalbarri National Park early afternoon, with enough daylight left to take in Hawks Lookout, Ross Graham Lookout and the Z Bend Lookout, with a short walk to each.  Travelling to the Z Bend was slower, as about 25 kms was on rather badly corrugated road.  As the park did not offer any camping, we pitched our tents at the Big River Ranch not far from the park. BBQ meal in the camp kitchen there where we talked to an Australian family travelling around and met a tour group with a very high travel speed: came in from Perth that day (no time for the Pinnacles) and leaving the next morning at 6:10am. By the time we went to bed it unfortunately had started raining.

Dongara Tourist Park

The jumping pillow at the campground

Hawk's Head Lookout, Kalbarri National Park

Corrugated road

Murchison River at the Z Bend, Kalbarri National Park

Z Bend

Purple wattle tree

Pink wattle tree

This tree looked like a soldier on the side of the road

1 comment:

  1. WOW... fantastic pictures!! We MISS you. Looks like it is another AMAZING adventure for the Wegner Clan - of course it is. :) More close ups... we can't see you... and more shots with ALL of you together; hit up other tourists... :) Hugz for now, Georgia
