Monday 25 August 2014

Darwin to Sydney

Day 37 – August 25, 2014 – Darwin to Sydney - distance travelled:  approx. 3,200 kms - 32oC high; 12oC low.  It took us a few hours after breakfast to pack everything up and fit it into the six bags plus carry-on luggage.  We found a good home for our big table, griddle and some other leftover things and food: an Australian couple camping behind us with a 4 year-old son.  Don had chatted with the couple several times and they happily took everything.  We dropped the kids and our luggage off at the airport, dropped off our Troopy (sniff..) and took a taxi to the airport ourselves.  Darwin International Airport is a little bit bigger than the airport in Abbotsford and bustling with activity.  Our flight to Sydney left at 3:10pm and it took about 3h50m to fly to Sydney.  It was dry when we got there but started raining quite heavily during our taxi ride to the Big Hostel near the centre of Sydney.  We had looked at the weather report before we left and knew rain was in the forecast and, even though we were in denial over the possibility of rain, we had taken out our rain jackets.  The Big Hostel is where we stayed in 2011 as well and the place felt nicely familiar.  We settled into our 8 bed dorm which we had to ourselves, had our leftover Tim Tams, Sun Bites Grain Waves (Sun Chips equivalent), pop and beer, spent a little bit of time on the computer and went to bed.   

Breakfast at the FreeSpirit Resort in Darwin
Seating arrangement in our Troopy: back row..
.. and the front row
Troopy fully packed (picture taken some days ago); note the great drawer system as well as the built-in Engel fridge (grey, tea towels are hanging on it)


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