Friday 1 August 2014

Monkey Mia to Carnarvon

Day 10 – July 29, 2014 – Monkey Mia to Carnarvon - distance travelled:  350 kms - 25oC high; 12oC low. Up just after seven, quick breakfast and then strolled down to the beach to meet the dolphins at about 7:45am. As a ranger explained, wild dolphins come down there every day in the morning to feed, and the rangers let tourists hand feed the five female adult dolphins a few fish each.  When Don and Gwen were there 22 years ago things were not as regulated and tourists were able to feed fish provided by rangers to any dolphin that came near during feeding time and also touch the dolphins.  Apparently that way of doing things resulted in the offspring not learning how to feed themselves and there was a mortality rate amongst the calves of about 90%.  With people not touching dolphins and only feeding the adult females, the survival rate of calves is now at 80% which is similar to that amongst dolphins elsewhere.  There were about 14 dolphins catching fish close to shore today with probably about 80 people watching them this morning.  The ranger talked for a while, had people walk into the water in a line (rather cold), then had people go out again (all of this to signal to the dolphins that they were about to be fed), had five other rangers bring out five buckets of fish and each of those rangers selected two people to feed the dolphins.  Alas, none of us were picked, but it was still very cool to see these amazing creatures get so close to us.  Time to pack up after that, following which the kids had a quick dip into the cold pool and slightly warmer “hot” tub before we set off north again.  Made it to Carnarvon mid-afternoon, where we got a new tire and did a major grocery run before finally finding a spot in a campground in the fifth caravan park we tried.  The climate is nice enough by now that – often retired – Australians travel up here to get away from the colder winter weather down south. Set up camp, cooked, ate and washed up, spent some time sorting photos and writing in journals and off to bed.

Pelican at Monkey Mia

Dolphin experience at Monkey Mia

Ranger with people picked to feed this female dolphin

Pool at Monkey Mia

Shell Beach

Small cockles make up the entire beach


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