Friday 15 August 2014

Home Valley to Diggers Rest

Day 26 – August 14, 2014 – Home Valley to Diggers Rest - distance travelled: 188 kms - 30oC high; 14oC low.  After crossing the Pentecost River – with a water level clearly lower than in 2011 – and driving not quite 50 km drive we spent about 1.5 hours relaxing in El Questro Station’s Zebedee Springs.  Very nice.  Just before noon we and our fellow tourists were politely warned that it was almost noon and that the springs would close for the day.  We knew this and we were glad our timing worked so that we could spend a decent amount of time in the springs.  Apparently they close the springs so that the “fragile environment” can recover and to prevent the springs from being overused.  We drove the remaining 6 kms to El Questro “townsite”: nice but rather high end with high end prices. On the way to Wyndham we stopped at and walked down to The Grotto: a swim hole down 140 manmade steps at the end of a small gorge.  After the springs no one was interested in a cold dip, and as it was the waterfall here too had dried up and the water in the swim hole was stagnant and not very attractive looking.  In Wyndham we picked up a few groceries including a box of eight Paddle Pops for just over $8; waaay cheaper than paying $19.20 for six of the same Paddle Pops at a roadhouse.  Not far south of Wyndham we turned into a gravel road which for 37 kms led us to Diggers Rest Station, a place which advertises all over as having nice trail rides.  Not far from the station we ran into a small convoy of six 4x4s with camper trailers and one 4x4 lead car of a 4x4 tag along tour company.  All of us headed for the station which turned out to be a rather rustic place.  All sorts of animals were roaming the place: horses, dogs, goats and even an emu who liked to follow people.  We all camped in a rather small enclosure – safe from the emu and horses - and our family used the camp kitchen for and cooking and eating our meals.  We had some good chats with some of the people on the tag along tour.  As far as the trail riding went, after a while a fellow came back from somewhere who was able to provide some information.  Apparently all the good horses were out and at noon the next day a group would come back and if someone per chance dropped out for the afternoon ride there might be space for Claire and Shannon.  As nice as their brochures looked, the place seemed a little disorganized. No one ever responded to our web enquiry day before that either.  Did some blog work and then went to bed.  

Packing up at Home Valley Station

Gibb River Road

Pentecost River crossing on Gibb River Road; Cockburn Ranges in the distance 

Pentecost River

Pentecost River

Zebedee Springs

Zebedee Springs

Zebedee Springs

Zebedee Springs

Zebedee Springs

The Grotto

Emu at Diggers Rest Station

Diggers Rest Station

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