Thursday 14 August 2014

Windjana National Park to Silent Grove

Day 24 – August 12, 2014 – Windjana National Park to Silent Grove - distance travelled: 164 kms - 31oC high; 14oC low.  After packing up we hiked a little ways into Windjana Gorge until we got to the water where the local freshwater crocodiles were basking in the sun on the banks.  Did some croc spotting and took numerous pictures before moving on to our next destination, Bell Gorge.  On the way there we took in Lennard Gorge - a new gorge for all of us, a rather hot 3 km return walk over a very rocky trail.  When we got to the gorge the promised waterfall had dried up, which led to some exclamations along the lines of ‘why did we even spend the energy hiking in here”.   Despite the very rough condition of the gravel road leading from the Gibb River Road to Bell Gorge, we managed to fit the hike into Bell Gorge into the day, before the sun went down, with Don and Jordan going for a dip at the bottom of the gorge near the waterfall and the other kids swimming above the waterfall, while Gwen kept an eye on the clock and the sun and shoed everybody out of the water to be able to drive the 10 kms of gravel road to the campground in daylight and set up in daylight as well, which we just managed.
One of many wedge tailed eagles at the campground in Windjana National Park
Shannon taking pictures of freshwater crocodiles in Windjana Gorge

One of Shannon's pictures ...

And another one..
Windjana Gorge

Windjana Gorge

Windjana Gorge

Fossil of ancient nautiloid.  Windjana Gorge used to be a seabed.

Sulphur crested cockatoo; it was pecking away at the bark of the branch it was sitting on

Windjana Gorge

Lennard Gorge

Lennard Gorge

View from a high section of the Gibb River Road

Don was almost driving on the shoulder to avoid the bad corrugations 

The area below the waterfall in Bell Gorge where Don & Jordan went for a swim

The area above the waterfall with in the distance Claire, Shannon & Ian on the rocks

Claire & Shannon on the same rock as in 2011

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