Sunday 17 August 2014

Gregory National Park to Cooinda

Day 29 – August 17, 2014 – Gregory National Park to Cooinda - distance travelled: 460 kms - 32oC high; 16oC low.  After a fairly cold night the sun didn’t rise until after 7am.  It was still chilly when we got up shortly after that but it warmed up not long after.  We continued driving direction Katherine and reached that town just before noon.  Popped into the tourist information for some current information about Kakadu National Park and Darwin, filled up with diesel ($1.697 vs $1.929) and drove on to Edith Falls where we all went for a swim in the pool by the lower falls.  After that we continued on to Kakadu National Park and set up camp at Cooinda Lodge Kakadu where we also booked a Yellow Water boat cruise for the next morning.  After supper the kids swam in the pool in the dark and we did some laundry and updated the blog.   

Lower Edith Falls; this is where we swam

The pool at Cooinda Lodge Kakadu

The kids in the pool

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