Friday 8 August 2014

Exmouth to Beasley River

Day 16 – August 4, 2014 – Exmouth to Beasley River - distance travelled: 483 kms - 25oC high; 13oC low. The good thing about the wind – which had picked up again by morning – is that our laundry was dry by the time we started breakfast at about 7:30am.  Packed up and headed for the glass repair shop in Exmouth, where they could fit us in that day if we would leave the vehicle with them for 45 minutes or so.  Sure, no problem.  We walked the 20 minutes or so to the town centre to cash some travellers cheques at the local bank and then headed back to the repair shop where they had indeed nicely filled the chip.  After that we were on the road again, direction Karijini National Park.  The long stretches of driving are good for charging our devices and we were maxed out today, charging two iPods, two Nintendos DS, the computer and our mobile internet unit at the same time.  Stopped at the Barradale rest area for a Tim Tam and later at the Nanutarra Roadhouse for a Paddle Pop; then drove on to the Beasley River rest area where we set up camp for the night at about 5:15pm.  This whole rest area was in the bush, with a gravel road to and through it.  It had better washrooms than the last 24/7 rest area and the only thing that was unfortunate was that our spot was just down from a couple with a trailer who ran a generator until 8pm which totally ruined the outback peace and quiet plus we were wondering all along whether the generator would be shut down at all.  Luckily the night was nice and quiet.
Having a Tim Tam at Barradale rest area

Enjoying a Paddle Pop at the Nanutarra Roadhouse

On the way to Karijini National Park

Horse at the station bordering the Beasley River rest area 

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