Thursday 14 August 2014

Silent Grove to Home Valley

Day 25 – August 13, 2014 – Silent Grove to Home Valley - distance travelled: 382 kms - 32oC high; 15oC low.  Mid-morning we all had a nice refreshing swim in Galvans Gorge, about a 15 minute walk from the road. On the way there we were overtaken by an Outback Spirit luxury 4x4 bus, and as we suspected, they were parked at Galvans Gorge when we got there and we shared the scenery with the 20 or so people from the bus and some other travellers.  Not many people actually went into the water which made our experience still a good one.  (We swam here in 2011 as well and then were there pretty much by ourselves, and just as we walked out the tour group arrived.  You can’t always time these things.)  We were going to stop at Manning Gorge next, but this one is on private land and as they charged $8 per person for a day pass to see the gorge we passed.  We drove the rest of the afternoon until just after dark when we reached Home Valley Station, a nice place we had stayed at in 2011 and where Don, Claire and Shannon went for a trail ride at that time.  As our internet didn’t work here (no Telstra tower apparently) we crawled into our sleeping bags at a reasonable time which is a good thing in the region we’re in now as daylight comes just after 6am with people rising shortly after that.
Silent Grove campground

Galvans Gorge where we all went for a swim

Claire jumping off a ledge

Gibb River Road

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